About Us
The dashing and elegant Dr. Mayuresh Mahajan is a leading Homoeopath in the Thane & kalwa area. He is also a key stone in the bridge called HHF which bridges the ignoramus with the knowledgeable in this form of Homoeopathy. Apart from being an excellent clinician he is also a very popular lecturer at local and national seminars. His excellent clinical skills added to his deep theoretical knowledge blended with intermittent and spontaneous humor make for a heady cocktail in his lectures and keep the audiences asking for more. He brings all his expertise in treating patients who are used here in accentuating some rubrics and differentiating others. All in all it adds up gripping book which when once started cannot be kept down till the last page is over.
President of HHF (A Homeopathic forum founded by Sir Dr. Milind Rao which preaches and teaches homeopathic doctors and students to make the science more easy and applicable...
Homeopathy is a complete science which has the ability to cure disease in its whole extent i.e completely ....it removes the disease from the roots... Homeopathy not only cures the patient but also develops his/ her skills, performances and quality of living. Homeopathy is the only answer for all chronic diseases... Homeopathy is the only science which can increase the confidence of the patient along with the ailments and sicknesses. We believe that only emotions are the only cause of ALL chronic diseases.... Factors such as Dust, Smoke, Pollutions, Bananas, Grapes Ice Creams, Cream Biscuits ... etc. are not the only cause of disease on children ....they are just the exciting cause or the triggering causes.....the main cause is family environment.,,, conflicts between patents ..In laws....or pressure in school or tuitions... Constant competitions and competitive exams worsen the stress of children leading to lower the immunity power eventually ending up in diseases... Homeopathy had the efficacy to remove that stress and lead a healthy life...
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